
Children's Ministry

The mission for Children’s Ministry is to introduce the kids to Jesus, foster that relationship, and through games, activities, stories, songs, and crafts, provide concepts that will shape a biblical view of the world for our kids. With Jesus as our example, Door of Hope Children’s Ministry seeks to demonstrate the heart of God for children. We have an amazing team of faithful volunteers who facilitate this time with the kids in age appropriate ways.

If you’re interested in serving in the Children’s Ministry, please apply here.

When do you meet?

During Sunday services at 10AM.


  • These rooms are for babies.

  • Can also be thought of as less active vs. more active babies.

  • Are still in diapers and may require a change.

  • May take a nap or need to be fed.

  • Are working towards being ready for sitting and listening to a story with the whole class.


  • The preschool room is for kids who are ready for whole class activities.

  • Kids are toilet trained/doing well in pull-ups. We do not change diapers in this room.

  • Able to sit and listen to a story with the whole class.

  • May participate in simple crafts or activities.

Pre-K & Kindergarten

  • The Pre-K and Kindergarten room is for children who are enrolled in Pre-K or Kindergarten school setting, or who are being homeschooled at this level.

  • Children in this room were at least 4 years old by the beginning of the academic school year; younger children who are developmentally ready may be admitted after conversations with the Preschool and PK/Kindergarten room leaders.

  • Children are developmentally ready to listen to and engage in a continuous block of worship, Bible lesson, and prayer time.

  • Children are able to follow instructions from volunteers around crafts and group activities.

1st-3rd Grade

  • The 1st-3rd grade room is for children enrolled in the 1st-3rd grade or are homeschooled at this level.

  • Students are able to engage in whole class and small group discussions about the lesson.

  • Can participate in more complex crafts involving cutting, tying, and gluing.

  • Are emerging readers and may volunteer to read out loud in class time.

4th-5th Grade

  • The 4th-5th grade room is for children enrolled in a 4th-5th grade or are homeschooled at this level.

  • Are able to engage in complex whole class and small group discussions about the lesson.

  • Can participate in reading scripture and group prayer time.

  • Emerging maturity towards middle school age and youth group activities.


While we understand the responsibility and privilege to nurture their relationship with God, we believe that parents are preeminent in their role. As parents shepherd their kids through Scripture, our children’s ministry serves as reinforcement to their teaching. Upon turning 12 children are encouraged to join the main Sunday gathering and continue learning and worshiping alongside their parents, other adults and youth.

Click here if you would like to view the Children’s Ministry Policies & Procedures.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Joe Haferbecker

Pastor of Kids Ministry